Saturday, February 26, 2011

black swan

AH I loved Black Swan SO much! It was creepy and crazy but in a really good way. It was nightmarish and amazing! 

It is the movie that I want to win the Best Picture Oscar the most but I don't think that it will... 

Black Swan images that are not from the film:

Have you seen it yet? What did you think? 

Psst! Natalie Portman better win that Oscar :)

blue valentine

Just saw Blue Valentine. It was so good. It was also really tough to watch though. I recommend it but I know it isn't for everyone. Ryan Gosling was wonderful and Michelle Williams was perfect as always! This movie is all about the acting, and those two blew me away. I can't imagine filming a movie like this being easy. I have major respect for them for being able to pull off such a realistic depiction of a couple who have a pretty bad relationship but when it's good it's really good.

If you have seen it, I would like to know what you thought. I love getting different perspectives from people. Everyone watches the same movie but everyone goes away from it with something different.


Friday, February 25, 2011

DIY Oscar Statuette

Who else is super excited about the Oscars? There are so many great movies this year! I've seen them all except for 127 Hours.

We are hosting an Oscar, ahem, Academy Awards, party on Sunday night at our house. A bunch of friends are coming over to make pizzas and watch the show. It's going to be so fun! We are having an Oscar prediction contest and the winner gets an excellent prize! A replica Oscar! I made him tonight out of stuff I had laying around the house. Seriously! I didn't want to buy a replica, that's silly when I could make one myself! Make your own Oscar!

You will need:

Paintbrush (not too tiny)
Gold Metallic Acrylic Paint (I used Folk Art brand in #660, 2 oz. bottle)
Matte Black Acrylic Paint
Gold glitter glue, hot glue, super glue (whatever you have)
One long Bamboo Skewer (you could use anything long and pointy like a replica sword or whatever)
One wooden Artist's Model (I got this one at IKEA years ago but you can find them at any arts and crafts store)
Old newspapers
Rubber bands or yarn

Let's get started!

I found it helpful to look at a picture of an Oscar first:

Okay, first step: Lay down the old newspaper. Paint the outside of the model with the gold paint. See, this is super easy! Make sure you bend his joints and paint there too! You can use two coats after the first one dries if necessary.

After you're done with that, paint the base with the black paint.

After the gold and black paint dry, fold the guy's arms inward like the real Oscar. You could stop at this step if you want but I thought it would be cool to have him look like the real thing.

Now take your bamboo skewer and hold it up to the Oscar and see where you want to cut it off. I just looked at the picture up there^ to get an idea of how tall the "sword" should be. Trim the skewer and then paint that gold too.

Okay, after that is dry, affix it to the Oscar with your glue. I couldn't find any rubber bands to secure it so I just tied yarn really tight around and held it in place long enough to dry.

After the glue is dried, take the feet and glue them together so that Oscar has flat feet that are straight across.

After that is dried you can remove the bands and situate his legs to rest back against the metal rod and TA DA!! You have an Oscar!! Isn't that awesome??

You can affix some sparklies to it too because, why not?

After I was all done.....

If you make one please send me a picture or link back here! I want to see your Oscar!

here is the link for it on Craftster :)

music for your Friday

Just a little playlist I made to get us all in the mood for a great weekend!

colorway friday

colorway friday is here! This week, in honor of the giveaway I won, the color will be tangerine

I like this picture a lot. Her dress is so cute. The heart garland is so sweet. 

Love this movie. LOVE. 

Light leak.

I want it to be summer again so I can drink delicious icy fruit beverages again. 

I wish I had a set of these in my living room. 


Alexander McQueen butterflies. Lovely. 

I've always liked this picture.

Look at that! Another tangerine Andy Warhol quote :)

I wish I had the cajones to dye my hair like this (and like Clem's up there^)

One of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs, Tangerine (remember it at the end of Almost Famous?)

What are your favorite tangerine things?

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